Working from home – a loft conversion office

By Naomi Madelin In Loft conversion, Home improvement 1 Comment

Over the past few months most of us have experienced what it’s like to work from home.  The Covid-19 lockdown has been an experience on that front, and there are pros and cons to working from home, as I’m sure you’ve discovered!

Some of the pros of working from home:

  • No commuting time
  • No crowded public transport
  • No traffic jams (the morning family queue for the bathroom doesn’t count!)
  • Saving money due to all of the above three points
  • Much lower carbon footprint
  • Flexible wardrobe rules
  • Flexibility of time management around e.g. appointments, family demands etc.
  • Fewer distractions from colleagues
  • Less time wasted in meetings
  • More free time for yourself / sports / hobbies / family
  • Reduced stress

Some of the cons of working from home:

  • No daily chats with colleagues
  • Distractions in the home – other jobs that need doing, the children doing home schooling (this one coming to an end for many)
  • No commute = less work/home separation
  • Inability to ‘switch off’ from work when home and work feel the same
  • Non-ideal working space (can be uncomfortable / affect productivity and health)
  • Collaboration with colleagues can be harder. While Zoom meetings are great, you can’t beat a face-to-face meeting
  • You may not have a space that is ‘yours’ – so need to set up and pack away every day.


Does anyone miss the traffic jams?!


I think most of us have found that working from home is a mix of all of the above pros and cons. Ultimately it depends on the job you do, your personality and the space you work in. But you can’t deny that working from home even one or two days of the week makes a lot of sense in the 21st century.

The key to successful home-working is having a good, well-designed working space – and that’s where your loft can come into play.  A home office can make all the difference to your productivity and enjoyment when it comes to working from home.

The Office in the Roof

If you’ve thought about using your loft for more than storing suitcases and Christmas decorations, have a think about a loft conversion to create a home office.

If you work for yourself – as a freelance builder, business consultant, child minder etc, you can claim tax deductions for your office space. So setting up a dedicated working space in your home can make sense for lots of reasons, whether we’re under lockdown or in more normal times.

If you are employed but your employer requires that you work from home, you can also claim some tax relief.

Click below for the UK government sites with information on tax relief:


Pros of a loft conversion home office:

  • Commute to work up the stairs = separation between work and home
  • You can set up your space exactly the way you want it = comfortable & permanent
  • More space than a corporate office / cubicle
  • A professional space to see clients and hold meetings
  • Natural light
  • Away from home distractions
  • Maintain autonomy and flexibility
  • No long drive, crowded trains etc.
  • Great for the environment
  • Money saving – no petrol costs, train fares
  • Tax advantages
  • A loft conversion adds value to your home
  • Add a small bathroom, loo and kitchenette to be fully self-sufficient in your new loft office
  • Can double as an extra spare bedroom if you need it

Get in touch with Jon Pritchard today to find out how we can help turn your loft space into an attractive and practical home office – with all the bells and whistles if you’d like them!  We’re working through lockdown, adhering to government guidelines and employing what we’re well known for – lashings of common sense and thoughtful customer service.

Check out our Which? Trusted Trader site for customer reviews, and our Facebook page.

Looking forward to talking to you.