Music for your Loft Conversion

By Jon Pritchard In Loft conversion, Loft lifestyle No comments

Lofts (or attics if you’re in America) are such amazing spaces. We love them, and so do many creative folk. Loft dance studios, artist’s studios, yoga spaces, recording studios…

We’ve put together a list of 6 music recommendations themed around and inspired by lofts.  Try them at your summer loft cocktail party.

1/ Loft Cocktail Party – Various Artists

From 2011 this compilation of chill-out electronic tunes by various artists, available on Apple Music, iTunes and Spotify. Loft Cocktail Party – Various Artists

Album_Loft cocktail party

2/ Loft Music – Thea Gilmore

With her beautiful smoky voice and upbeat folk tunes, British singer-songwriter Thea Gilmore’s ‘Loft Music’ is the perfect accompaniment to a mixed gathering.

Album_TheaGilmore - Loft Music

Preview on itunes, also available on Apple Music and Spotify.

3/ David Mancusos’ classic dance faves

Heading a little further back in time why not sample ten classic tunes from The Loft  as loved by David Mancuso.

The Loft_logo

‘The Loft’ was the location for the first underground dance party (Love Saves the Day) that was created by David Mancuso on February 14, 1970 in New York.  Attendance was by invitation only – as exclusive a loft as yours!

You can find David Mancuso’s albums on Spotify too.

4/ Billy Joel ‘Songs in the Attic’

We have to mention Billy Joels’ ‘Songs in the Attic’, which ain’t too bad for a laid-back party.

Billy Joel songs in the attic

5/ Aerosmith ‘Toys in the Attic’

How could we not finish with Aerosmith’s ‘Toys in the Attic’ (on Spotify and all the usual places, real proper discs on Discogs if you’re a bit more old school.) – or are we showing our age?!  Possibly not the kind of background music you can chat over, so…

6/ Prefer some classical, some jazz or cross-over?

Explore the artists from Munich-based production company LOFTmusic for some inspiring and refreshing sounds that are a little more conducive to party chat!


Enoyed this post? Read our list of delicious cocktails for your summer party too.  Or find out about fixtures and fittings to think about, and get stuck into designing!

Thinking about a loft conversion? Contact Jon Pritchard today – we’re loft conversions specialists. We’ll help you to pull your ideas together – and can provide end-to-end design-to-decorating services for your new loft lifestyle if you wish.