Managing Your Loft Conversion Ideas

By Jon Pritchard In Interior Design, Loft conversion, Home improvement No comments

Managing your loft conversion project is one thing – but what about the time beforehand when you’re just thinking about it? How do you manage all your ideas, thoughts, tips and suggestions?

We have you covered on the design and build front. When you have your loft converted by Jon Pritchard  you get your own secure project webpage from which you can keep track of things. We also give you a Loft Log Book to help with decision making – it’s full of helpful information and is a place you can file paint sample sheets, fabric swatches etc.

But if you’re still at the earlier ‘thinking about it’ stage, why not try Pinterest, if you don’t already use it?

(Newbie alert: It’s pronounced as one word ‘pinterest’ and not ‘pee-interest’!)

An online scrapbook

Pinterest is like an unlimited, searchable scrapbook that you can set up online.  Once you have an account you create ‘boards’ for whatever you want, and then ‘pin’ images from around the web to the relevant board. You can also ‘pin’ your own photos, so loft conversion inspiration from that stately home you visited, or a shop window you snapped, can all go in the same place.

Even better – you can also search other people’s boards, ‘follow’ them, their boards, or just pick and choose from things they’ve already pinned, by re-pinning them to your own board.

Take a look at Jon Pritchard’s Pinterest for various boards filled with ideas and inspiration for your loft conversion.

Here’s how to start:

1/ Sign up

You can log into Pinterest with either your Facebook login, Google login or by creating a dedicated Pinterest login with your email and password.

If you sign up with Facebook, check your settings unless you’re happy for your Pinterest activity to appear on your Facebook page.

2/ Create a board

Think about how you want to break your research down. Do you want a single board for your Loft Conversion ideas, or separate boards for different rooms or features?

Is it a Private or Public board?  Do you want to share it with your partner, family members or a friend so they can also post to it?

3/ Search Pinterest for ideas

Start your search right here on Pinterest. Simply enter the search terms you want to look for and hit enter.

Screen shot of the Search field in Pinterest

Screen shot of the Search field in Pinterest

You’ll notice that right under the Search field, Pinterest suggests more words that might help you refine your search.

Under that you can select what you want to see – All Pins, Your Pins (useful when you know you pinned something but can’t remember where!), People and Boards.

In this case I’m looking for ideas for a loft bathroom, so it would make lots of sense to look for other Boards with a similar subject!

If you find an image you want to pin, simply hover over it, and click the red button. You will be able to choose which of your loft conversion ideas boards you pin to.

How to Pin a Pin on Pinterest!

The ‘pen’ symbol enables you to go in and edit your notes on your pin – which is super helpful in keeping track of who suggested it, what you were thinking about or where you saw it if it’s a photo from your own photo stream.  By clicking on the bar chart icon  you can see how many other people have been looking at your pin & what they’ve done with it.

4/ Search online

You can easily add the Pinterest button to your taskbar and click it anytime you want to add an image you’ve seen to one of your loft conversion ideas Pinterest boards.

Most web images have a Pinterest button embedded, which makes it even easier. Simply hover over an image you like and generally you’ll see a small, red, rectangular button in the top right with ‘P Save’ on it. Click and go!

5/ Re-organise

Like your sock drawer, your Pinterest needs the occasional tidy up and reorganisation! As you discard ideas for your loft conversion, delete those pins too. Simply click on edit (the pencil symbol) and hit the Delete button in the dialogue box.  You can delete whole boards too, if you want to.

Out with the old, in with the new!

Organise your ideas like your sock drawer!


6/ Share

Take an iPad or laptop with you when you sit down with your loft conversion designer and show him or her your Pinterest boards – it’ll help them get an idea of what you like. Use it for your decorators too. It helps other people get a good idea of your taste and style, and important features that you would like to include in your new loft.



Ready to get started on that new loft conversion project? Head over to Pinterest or get in touch for more information and a free initial quote and consultation.